Friday, July 01, 2011

Day 9: the day of awesome...


aside from waking up with a dehydration headache thanks to the heat, today has been made of awesome!  starting the day by getting a tattoo is a fucking good way to begin!

my grandmother used to sing rhymes to me as we picked convolvulus flowers (or pop-grannies as we used to call them).  then my mum ended up getting this flower tattooed on her when i was 14... so it seemed only right to get one too.  and i kinda fancied getting something girlie for a change too.  the perfect woman for the job was Moorea Hum in Sackville - great rep and a delicacy to her work that i loved.  here is the result...
then i slothed about reading my book (thanks to Justin Anderson for giving me the first edit of his book to devour - it`s great!)  and then discovered that the PRS had paid me 120 quid for singing 13 songs back in 2009!  love it.  tattoo paid for - BOOM!

then mum and i hit the road - driving 4 hours south east towards Canso.  handheld iPhone self portraits rawk ;-)
we are staying at a wee backwater motel about an hour away from the festival - anything closer is booked wayyy far in advance!
i feel like i`m on a little canadian treasure island - it`s tres pretty.  just beyond the curve in the bay is the Canso Causeway - the road that links Nova Scotia mainland with Cape Breton.

it has been a day of indulgence and sloth - poifect!

abundantly yours, O.

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