Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 20-22: small town hickville vs. the big smoke...

I gotta say, it has been over all a really incredible tour... but here are a few of the thing I found hard...

1. the hicks - small towns are not used to people like me. fact. I have never, in all my days, in all the places I have travelled to, been stared at as much as I've been stared at in small town Canada. it can't be my boobs, cos it has been everyone staring, not just the blokes. and it's not just a passing glance... it's the full on, stop what you're doing, open gob, head-turn of a stare. I started to get self-conscious thinking that perhaps I had something on my face or something. my mum actually stopped and told a guy off for it in Amherst (the worst town so far for it's staring capabilities). the drive through options became more and more appealing after the servers at Tim Horton's would stare at me and slow the queue down.

alien, much?!

2. the food - north american food is SO unrefined. and everything is oversized, over-sweetened, over-processed, and under flavoured. I mean, I dig the occasional 'Oh Henry' chocolate bar, and I've even been known to partake in the occasional twizzler or two... but oh my, am I sick of the food here. the portions alone should be illegal!

on a positive note, I applaud the ready availability of bagels ALL the time... and their absolutely scintillating cracker selections ;-)

3. the Canadian reserve - Canadians, you guys need to lighten up, clap more vehemently, and show us performers how you really feel. it's no good coming up to us afterwards and extolling our virtues, cos by then we already feel shitty about it. show us your appreciation whilst we are ON STAGE! please? I now you are just so demure (except when it comes to staring it seems), but us UK performers like to feel the love DURING our performances, not just after ;-)

our fragile egos rely on it!

other than that, Canada, you have been a fuckin' honest to goodness pleasure.


I am spending my last 2 days in Halifax with my mum, staying at a swanky hotel and eating big city food, and shopping. we may even throw in a mani-pedi. yes, I shall finish how I began - spending more money than I have ;-)
one of many pairs of new shoes!

be home soon, Scotland.

graciously yours, O.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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