Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 5 & 6: reconnecting. stanfest. and an alien audience...

family time. not something I'm very used to. but seeing my brother's family after nearly 3 years has been great. the kids and I have been making up songs about being weirdos (their idea!) and a wee star wars ditty - coming up with a catchy melody for the chorus of 'help me obi wan kenobi, you're my only hope' has been a bit of a curse, as it's now stuck in my head!

we went to the park for a picnic today (in the 30 degree heat ;-)) - I am not quite used to it yet, and am certainly not dressed for it most of the time - but I fuckin' dig not being cold! their dog, Mia, is the polar opposite of Moose - she is quiet, well behaved, and shy... but so so sweet...

i got an email this morning telling me that I had been successful in the competition to play the Stan Rogers Folk Festival this weekend! OMG! I'd given up hope of playing, so now I have to figure out how to get there - it's 4.5hrs drive from my mum's house ($130 petrol), so for only a couple of songs, it's a long way to travel, but it will be great exposure. it's gonna be ace!

so, I've gotta say, touring in another country is hard... I'm finding the Canadian audiences very different from UK ones... and it is making me feel a bit alien. weirdly though, even though I'm not feeling the love whilst playing, they are buying my CDs and complimenting me afterwards... so perhaps it's just that they aren't the rowdy clapping types? gah, I dunno... it's a huge learning curve and i am just a little unnerved by it at this juncture. hopefully by the end of the tour I will have mastered it... just in time to un-learn it again for the UK audiences! it's a bit scary when your tried and tested banter falls on it's face and you have to speed read an audience to try to gauge a good level for them in a matter of songs, before losing them to the dark side. tiring. good for me.

thanks to Richard Gloade and Wilsers Room, Fredericton, for having me tonight. tomorrow I do my first 'in-store' at Backstreet Records in Saint John at midday, then play Hampton, NB in the evening. big day. mmm, hangover.

contemplatively yours, O.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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